My diverse background includes library programs & services, customer service/retail, editorial/ proofreading skills, basic HTML/CSS coding, website architecture and structure development, user experience in physical locations and online, and other, more eclectic topics. I bring them all to bear in my consultant work.
I have:
- Designed and implemented staff development/training programs, especially focused on technology and/or self-directed
- Conducted user research and analyzed results to determine new programs & services, improvements to the physical building or website, and other user-oriented goals
- Analyzed website content and usability and made suggestions for improvements
(Note: I am many things, but I am not a website designer/coder)
New Bedford (MA) Public Library Technology Plan, 2017 – 2018
Developed 3-year Technology Plan based on existing Strategic Plan. Worked closely with the library director throughout the process to meet two needs: an objective-oriented tactical technology plan and a single “big ticket” technology proposal to present to the Mayor for fundraising efforts. Work included a review of current technology levels at all library locations, a staff self-assessment, a targeted public technology priorities survey, research on library and emerging technology trends, and the drafting of the technology plan. The technology plan included actionable tasks, larger objectives, and suggestions for staff development and public technology programs.
Concord (MA) Free Public Library Technology Plan, 2017 – 2018
Developed 3-year Technology Plan based on existing Strategic Plan, focused on a future expansion of the main library building. Work included a review of current technology levels at all library locations, a staff self-assessment, in-person staff and public focus groups on technology priorities, research on library and emerging technology trends, and the drafting of the technology plan. The technology plan included actionable tasks, larger objectives, and suggestions for staff development and public technology programs.
Cary Memorial Public Library (Lexington, MA), Public meeting facilitation, 2018
As part of their strategic planning process, Cary Memorial Library conducted public focus groups throughout 2018. I facilitated the Technology priorities focus group: encouraging conversations, using question prompts, and note-taking/recording.